Daniel Lew
I'm a Software Engineer with experience developing fast, robust cloud applications. I am also comfortable in the Ruby and JavaScript ecosystems.
Recently, I built Stagehand, a framework for deploying and managing review apps for frontend applications using Github Actions, AWS infrastructure, and client-side code with Service Workers.
Stagehand is a drop-in service for automatically deploying and managing review apps for frontend applications.
Stagehand is a framework that automatically manages review apps for your application’s GitHub repository on your own cloud infrastructure. We use AWS, GitHub Actions, and some Stagehand client-side code to set-up, deploy, manage, and teardown review apps for your frontend application.
Trello-like collaboration board with back-end API built with Rails, and front-end UI built with React and Redux.
World Chat
Multi-room chat app using WebSockets and an Nginx proxy. Backend built with Node.js. Frontend built with React.
Request Bucket
A request bin-like tool to receive and inspect request payloads (ie Webhooks) hosted on a Digital Ocean VPS. Backend is an Express server using MongoDB and PostgresSQL.
Project Manager
Rails API to manage projects, users, and auth (using JWT). Test suite built with RSpec.